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Friday, December 31, 2021
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Nitin fitness guru health and fitness coach
Getting online fitness personal training with me 1st an 2nd session free in 2022 new year call me 7827527793
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Join online personal training first session free for you new 2022 offers in fitness training online home personal trainfat loss muscle gain posture problem in 2022 new year offers for fitness nitin fitness guru india health and fitness gernal population association NFG
Getting a best offer for fitness this new year keep your self healthy💪💪💪 an fit 2022 new year
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Friday, December 24, 2021
Youth fitness online training how to trained youth how many days can youth training in the week which type training is good for youth an children
Every need to do physical activity but in this generation
Youth an children don't understand this
So will request to youth an thire family an parents please push🖐🖐🖐 to your children for activities
To avoid a sedentary life style
So it's help to coming generation in future🔮🔮🔮an including in an sports
Improve a overall fitness an cardiovascular endurance to daily participate in physical activity
Improved muscular endurance an strength
Make a bone strong if youth is athlete so they need a definitely
Many physical activity includes in youth training
Functional training
Low weight resistance training with band
Isomatric contraction
Free weight machine training in endurance endurance is helping to the youth trained slow twich muscle fibers that is helping to carry blood in your body to make strong your muscle slow twice also help to hold position like spine pelvis an slow twich muscle not fatigue quickly
Training frequency 2 3 days a week
Thak you all
India health and fitness gernal population association pvt ltd
Nitin fitness guru
Thursday, December 23, 2021
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2 to 4 week training program
One week training
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
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Thank you
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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Online personal training
Monday, November 15, 2021
How to do battle rope benefits of battle rope exercise how can do battle rope exercise type of variation battle rope fast calories burne exersice
battle rope is the best exercise for the overall body improve a cardiovascular fitness an heart endurance burn a more calories consume more oxygen
who can perform this exercise
If you deconditioned you are beginning the first time an so you can not do this but you can do normal walk on treadmill for improve cardiovascular endurance then gradually increase the intensity after 6 week
Because your heart not able to consume more oxygen not able to pump more blood🩸🩸🩸
Then after this you are feeling better your heart is improving you re not fatigue quickly
Then you can perform the battle rope slow intensity
2 Type of battle rope exercise different functions 3 is main
1 rope waves
3 grappler_ throws
4 tug of war
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Per session charge R. S 800
And first session free for trying
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Contact📞📞📞 number 7827527793
Thank you for visit my website
Friday, November 12, 2021
India health an fitness gernal population association fat loss
Thursday, November 11, 2021
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Health an fitness coach posture problem neck forward strength training endurance training overallfitness fatloss nitinfit nfg
Friday, July 23, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
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